Post COVID-19 syndrome, a developing world-wide problem may be alleviated by Japan originated medical device “suisonia”.

Russian Top Doctors conducted clinical trial on medical staffs

This clinical trial have been conducted in Russia since December of 2020, to research the therapeutic effect of “suisonia”. The study was led by Prof. Alexander G. Chuchalin, a well known pulmonologist from Russia.

Four points that reveals the efficacy of active form of hydrogen

  • The walking distance in 6 minutes increased by 1.5 times in the “suisonia” group (no change in the non-use group).
  • Oxygen carried to the whole body on “suisonia”group.
  • Improved condition of blood vessels were confirmed on “suisonia” group.
  • Some participants from “suisonia” group reported improvement of life, such as improvement of fatigue.

As a result, the article stated that inhaling “suisonia” H(H₂O)m is a safe and highly effective method in treating post COVID-19 syndrome.

Professor Chuchalin talking about suisonia device

Journal Information

Title: Hydrogen inhalation in rehabilitation program of the medical staff recovered from COVID-19

Shogenova L.V., Truong T.Ch., Kryukova N.O., Yusupkhodzhaeva K.A., Pozdnyakova D.D., Kim T.G., Chernyak A.V., Kalmanova Е.N., Medvedev O.S., Kuropatkina T.A., Varfolomeev S.D., Ryabokon A.M., Svitich O.А., Kostinov M.P., Kunio I., Hiroki M., Chuchalin A.G.
Hydrogen inhalation in rehabilitation program of the medical staff recovered from COVID-19. Cardiovascular Therapy and Prevention. 2021;20(6):2986. (In Russ.)

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